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David Wormald - Semantic Discovery

  • Wednesday, October 15, 2014
  • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Allianz


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Linked Open Data, the promises of SPARQL end-points and Semantic Discovery. Once the domain of a few visionary individuals, these models, technologies and disciplines and moreover, the deeper consumer and business insight possible through deploying them are becoming more common in many industries with ever-expanding use-cases. This presentation will describe in detail how the British Broadcasting Corporation deployed linked data at scale to drive the dynamic rendering of tens of thousands of web pages, tables and schedules during the 2012 games and look at when and how this powerful Big Data strategy can complement other approaches to best harness data for consumer and business value.


David has worked in commercial software sales for almost 20 years in both the US and the UK. While some of the products, propositions and companies have been quite different, a common thread throughout has been applications and tools that leverage the value of structured and unstructured content and data. This has included News & Information Feeds through CRM and CMS to Search, Content Aggregation Portals and Databases.


David has enjoyed working at the forefront of radical technology and selling innovation over the past two decades. Working for MarkLogic in the NoSQL database arena for the past 7 years, David has been constantly challenged and motivated by the complexity of customers’ infrastructure and business choices and the frustrations and opportunities of the complex data ecosystems that exist in most industry sectors today.




Click me part 1

Click me part 2


8:30 Registration & Networking
9:00 Opening Remarks
9:15 - 10:45 Main Presentation

10:45 - 11:30 Open Q&A


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United Health Group - Optum Headquarters

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