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Evan Levy: GDPR: The Seismic Shift in Marketing Analytics

  • Wednesday, May 16, 2018
  • 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Thrivent Financial, 625 Fourth Ave. S.Minneapolis, MN 55415


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Presentation Abstract

The business world is undergoing a transition in today’s data driven economy.  As the value of data has grown, the awareness of protection, privacy, and liability has become top-of-mind.  For many years, companies were able to acquire, collect and use customer and other personal information without concern for rules, laws, and liabilities.   That’s no longer the case.


The laws and guidelines for consumer data protection and security has varied across different countries and even different industries.   However, the European Union’s 2015 Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) dramatically changed the landscape (and concept) of consumer data ownership and protection. With this landmark legislation, data ownership was taken away from the business entities that had purchased and accumulated the data and given back to the individual consumer.  The EU also defined a significant number of guidelines and responsibilities that companies must follow if they choose to retain and use consumer data.


While the concepts of data ownership, data rights, and usage consent are easily understood, their impact to consumer business can be quite significant.  While most business people think little about their company’s ability to retain consumer interaction history, support cross-sell / upsell strategies, and monetize their data assets– such activities may be significantly hampered by the requirements identified within GPDR.


During this session, Evan Levy will discuss the concepts of data privacy and protection, the details of GDPR, and the tactics necessary to address the issues of GDPR compliance

You will learn:

  • Key concepts of data privacy and protection
  • The impact of data privacy on an existing analytics environment
  • Understanding the essential requirements for GDPR compliance
  • Clarifying the confusion and misinformation about GDPR
  • The 5 basic steps to GDPR compliance
  • The phases and activities involved with Data Privacy/Protection Initiative 

Geared To(titles/roles)


CIOs and Chief Data Officers, Program Managers, Business Sponsors, Data Governance staff, Data Management Staff, Business/Data analysts, Data Stakeholders, 









Evan Levy

Vice President of Data Management Services





Evan Levy is an acknowledged consultant, advisor, and speaker in the areas of Enterprise Data Strategy, Data Management, and Systems Integration.  Evan’s current role is VP of Data Management Services at SAS.

Evan advises clients on strategies to address business challenges using their existing data and technology assets coupled with new and creative methods and practices. As an executive, he has led projects for Fortune 500 customers in the financial services, retail, telecommunications, and health/life sciences industries.  He’s also been retained as a strategic advisor to software vendors and startup companies and continues to counsel the investment community in the use of applying advanced technologies to key business initiatives.

Evan has been published in a wide array of industry magazines and has spoken about a range of project and technology experiences at leading industry events. In addition to being a featured speaker at vendor events, he has presented at Enterprise Data World, Gartner’s Data & Analytics Conference, Hadoop Summit, MDM Summit, Strata, and TDWI. 

Evan is a faculty member of The Data Warehousing Institute and is a Best Practices judge in areas of Analytics and Data Management.




8:30 Registration & Networking
9:00 Opening Remarks
9:15 - 11:30  Presentation 

11:30 - 11:45  Open Q&A






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